Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Driver's Ed

Dear Driver's Education,
I have been driving for 10 months. That means that I have around 2 months until I can get my Driver's License. Now, I understand that getting a break on insurance is a very pleasing prospect, but I seriously don't get why Driver's Ed must be SO FRUCKING BORING. Not only do I have to revisit the cafeteria at my high school for several days, Mr. Stockstill is our main teacher-type guy. He co-teaches with Coach Howard, who cracks me up. Still, Howard's weird Southern humor does nothing to dull the effects of Stockstill's boring drawl on how to correctly position your hands on the steering wheel. I've been driving for 10 months, I think I know how to steer, thankyouverymuch.
Also, I pride myself on never having fallen asleep in class. I can't say that anymore, because I did today. Another reason for hating you: I cannot go to the mall with my friend and her sister tomorrow. I must freeze in the purgatory that is Driver's Education. And I mean freeze literally. The temperature in the caf must be around 50 degrees. Positively glacial, if you ask me, Florida girl that I am.
To close, Driver's Ed just needs to die. I'll take the 10% discount of my insurance policy without the needless torture of forced learning. And some McNuggets with an Oreo McFlurrie.

Thank you, and goodnight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to get out of Driver's Ed so we can go have fun.