Monday, July 21, 2008

Of Test Scores and Teeth

Well, I'm sixteen now! Not that that has anything to do with test scores or teeth, but still. It's a pretty big landmark.
On to test scores: I took my first ever AP test in May...this was unusual because I was only a sophomore, and AP courses are traditionally only open to juniors and seniors. My school was gracious enough to extend enrollment to sophomores, and 18 of us took AP Psychology. After being out of town for several days, I picked up our mail, and to my surprise, there was a letter from my school. I opened it, and here's what it said:

"In the fall of 2007, _ _ HS opened several Advanced Placement classes to a few of our top-performing sophomores. You were one of only 18 tenth grade students who elected to participate in the Advanced Placement program.

Throughout the school year, the feedback from your instructors confirmed your ability to rise to the challenge. With the receipt of your test scores from the College Board, I want to congratulate you on your outstanding performance on the exam. Earning a "5" on an Advanced Placement exam as a sophomore confirms your ability to excel in the most rigorous of our curriculum offerings.

I look forward to your continued academic achievements, and am proud that you have received the highest score awarded by the College Board to the nation's most dedicated scholoars. Well done!"

In other news, I got my top braces off today, and my teeth feel all smooth and slippery. Awesome!

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