Thursday, June 12, 2008

Food, Glorious Food

Damn, I'm hungry.

Pretty much spent the whole day cleaning, and reading slash fics. And not writing Blushin' Blankets. Why? Oh, I don't know. I don't like the first couple paragraphs, and I've been tossing around other ways to write them, but none of them seem to work quite like I want them to. They don't flow. Which is so totally not fair-because it's a damn good story [if I do say so myself], and I want to get it out there so my shameless ego can be fed with reviews.

Also, I'm thinking I might try to watch Moulin Rouge eventually. Never seen it, and it sounds cool. But I have a pathological fear of seeing something new and then totally obsessing over that and end up losing my current fandom, which is what happened with Twilight.

Think mom's home with the food now, so....peace.

[there wasn't much about food in this post, was there?]

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