Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Late Nite Musings

It's pretty late & I've snuck the laptop into my room so I can read fanfiction. I'm bored with that now, so I'm posting here.

Gas is effing expensive, ya know? I don't drive for another 3 months, but I still have to be thinking about how I'm gonna pay for 4$ a gallon. Eeep.

Went to the beach today. Now my whole face is peeling. Attractive, no? I've got an Urban Plunge meeting tomorrow, so that means facing Mush [why can't I decide who I'm into-why why WHYYYY?] with a nasty, onion-skin face. Damn.

Also, my wisdom teeth hurt. I'm only fifteen years old, and I have wisdom teeth. Something is wrong with this picture, seriously. Good news is that I can get the top braces off soon. Yaaay. It's been two years. Jeez-didn't think it was that long.

Kind of a short post-but, then again, I am the queen of lazy.

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